What kind of preparation should I make before I start writing?


Writers’ planning approaches varies, and they frequently change their strategies as they gain experience and maturity. A quick synopsis of the plot, the character’s conflict, and the resolution may suffice for some writers. Others may create as much as fifty or a hundred pages of detailed action, character, and setting sketches (also known as outlining).

Outlining, according to proponents, saves time and eliminates repeated revisions because you know your characters from the start and can create a coherent plot. Writers who oppose outlining, on the other hand, claim that it stifles originality and inspiration, and even hinders them from discovering the story’s actual line. You’ll have to make your own decisions on what makes sense for you. It could be helpful to start with an outline, but give yourself permission to deviate from the script and update your initial blueprint if you come up with new and better ideas as you write.

The planning stage includes research as well. Make a note of any research needed to accomplish each stage as you add each scenario. Managing the findings of your research necessitates meticulous note-taking and a retraceable trail back to the source. Make a photocopy of the content itself and make a note of the source title, publisher, publication date, page numbers, and where you physically located the source for information gained from printed sources. Keeping this information on the copy can aid you in documenting your work and locating the source if you need it later. If you’re conducting research online, print off relevant pages and double-check that the website is listed. Make a note of any resources you think you’ll need again and again.

How long will it take you to finish a novel?

The length of time it takes to create a novel is entirely up to you. Some authors aim to complete a novel in 30 days, some in 60 or 90 days, while still others take years. What matters is that you set a goal, stay motivated, and use your time effectively.

Time management is vital for becoming a successful author. Make writing your primary priority each day. You’ll be able to avoid too many distractions once the day has started. Time management is, after all, really self-management.

Concentrate on your goal and keep negativity at bay. Make time for writing rather than asking for it. After all, you care about it. Set aside time for yourself. It is much easier to say no to others without making up reasons when you have solid intentions. Appointments also signal to your creative brain that it’s time to write.

Make a list of your most important priorities. This will assist you in determining where to draw the line when requests for your time are made. Finally, don’t be scared to refuse. Know what you want and what you don’t want. Act and plan accordingly if you wish to write.

How do I go about writing a novel?

You’re ready to write a novel once you’ve made an outline, done your research, constructed a setting, created characters, written a storyline, and decided on a topic and point of view. Take your time writing and avoid three classic beginner blunders: include too many mundane details that don’t add to the character or storyline; using too many adjectives and adverbs; and including flashbacks, which can slow the storey down.

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